Tuesday, January 13, 2009

16 Random Things About Me

I read 16 random things about my friend, Korri, on her blog and she said whoever reads it is "tagged" to do the same...so here it goes, 16 random things about me:

1) I have OCD! And it gets worse as I get older. To give you an example of my craziness, if I eat Taco Bell, I have to read each sauce packet 3 times before I can open it, then read it again before I throw it away! See, I told ya, it's crazy...

2) I have "witchaphobia", I am completely terrified of witches. I have never been able to watch Snow White, Wizard of Oz, or any other movie where there is a witch.

3) I hate to spend the night alone by myself. This is a problem because Kevin travels, so when he is out of town, I have my neighbor's teenage girls come stay with me...I think they enjoy it, we have "girls night" and talk and watch girly movies.

4) I LOVE candles...if I am at home, you can pretty much bet that there will be a candle burning somewhere in my house. They are so relaxing to me.

5) I became an aunt at the ripe old age of 2! My nephew, Darrell, was born when I was 2 years old and we practically grew up together. He is now in the Air Force and about to go to Afghanistan, so please pray for his protection.

6) My ultimate dream is to live on acres of land and start my own dog rescue. I would rescue every dog I possibly could and spoil them rotten!

7) My favorite vegetable is Brussel Sprouts. Many people find this odd, but I could eat them everyday...I guess you either love them or hate them.

8) I have a stuffed teddy bear named "Wolf Creek", I got him when I was 8 years old, and slept with him every single night until I got married (aw, who am I kidding...even now, if Kevin is out of town, I will bring Wolf Creek out and sleep with him...I guess he is sort of like a security blanket).

9) One job that alot of people don't know I did, was I sold airplanes. Yes, real airplanes that you fly.

10) I am an old soul. I love to be at home vs. going out, I don't love using technology, and wish I was retired driving around in a golf cart all day.

11) I have always secretly wanted to be a redhead...not sure why, just thought it would be fun.

12) I was a candy-striper at a local hospital all through my high school years. I loved it, my favorite thing was to deliver the flowers and balloons to patients' rooms.

13) I have a slight "birth defect", if you haven't noticed before, on my left hand, my pointer finger and thumb are slightly discolored and crooked. Just the way God made me:)

14) I was offered a cheerleading scholarship to Auburn University, but turned it down because I could not cheer for a school that I was raised to hate. (For those of you who are not familiar, Auburn and Alabama are arch rival schools, and I am a HUGE Alabama fan).

15) My senior year of high school, I went to Washington D.C for a week with an organization called Presidential Classroom. Out of 1500 students, I was selected to place a wreath on the tomb of the unknown soldier in Arlington Cemetary.

16) I am allergic to red dye. If I have anything with red dye in it, I will for sure have some sort of rash somewhere on me the next day. (This really upsets me because I love Hawaiian Punch).

So, if you read my random things, consider yourself tagged...I will be checking your blogs to see if you participate. Plus, I wanna hear some fun, crazy things about you!


April said...

This is the hardest one for me to do. I hate writing about myself!!!

Love and miss you...

Any chance on coming to Memphis for my birthday????????? end of the month the big 3-0!

Anonymous said...


i just can't find a background that works with your header. the blog site is still down. i have bought some new materials for blog headers. april wants to leave this for awhile because she really likes it, just the header. i will try and do another one soon. if you want to delete the background go ahead.

debbie (april's mom)

Brenda said...

Debbie, I LOVE my header! I plan on leaving it for a long time...it's so cute.
Also, the background you have now is fine. I like it just fine. Thank you so much for updating it for me.

You do great work!