Thursday, March 12, 2009

4 Years and Counting!

Today, Kevin and I are celebrating our 4-year wedding anniversary. I wanted to use this opportunity to tell him what a blessing he is to me...So Kevin, if you are reading this I want to tell you "Happy Anniversary"! We have had our ups and downs but there is no one I would rather go through life's journey with...Thank you for always being my strength, support, and friend. If I have had a bad day, I can always count on coming home, seeing your smile (and sometimes getting some non-solicited advice:) and I know that things will be okay as long as I have you. You are an amazing man and husband. I appreciate the things you do for "us", you work hard to support our family, and your sense of humor never ceases to amaze me. I can't wait to see you be a father one day. Thank you for being patient with me over the last 4 years as I took time to figure out who I have watched me grow up and I love you for encouraging me along the way.
We have moved from Memphis to Phoenix and now we are making the move to Kansas City! I know God has great things in store for us this year. And no matter where we live, where you are is where I want to be! I love you more than you will ever know! Happy Anniversary, Babe!