Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I Have Been Tagged! Are You Next?

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1) just finished my senior year of high school (1998 grad)
2) trying to figure out where to go to college
3) engaged/planning a wedding (yes, I was engaged to someone before Kevin and at a very young age, hey, I am from Alabama!)
4) spending time with my Daddy, I sure miss him...
5) living at home with mom and dad, enjoying being a teenager!

5 things on my to-do list today:
1) get at least 12 sales calls done at work
2) eat Mexican food for lunch ($1 taco tuesday)
3) get my nails done
4) go to the gym
5) call my mom

5 snacks I like:
1) chips and salsa
2) any kind of chips if I'm being honest
3) laughing cow cheese with celery
4) sour patch kids
5) popcorn

5 things I would do if I was a millionaire:
1) get rid of all my debt
2) quit my job and move to Nashville
3) take care of my mom
4) get my pilot's license and buy my own plane
5) travel all over Europe

5 places I have lived:
1) Mobile, AL
2) Memphis, TN
3) Cordova, TN
4) Gilbert, AZ
5) there's not a 5th

5 jobs I have had:
1) playing Barbie at KB toy store
2) photographer at Sears Portrait Studio
3) Medical Assistant
4) Pharmaceutical sales rep
5) Medical sales rep for hospice (current job)

5 people I tag:
1) April
2) Amy
3) Jocelyn
4) Laura
5) Jenniemarie (that's twice for you:)

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